


​WHAT HAPPENED: While the news from Capitol Hill received marquee attention, our radar picked up plenty of developments on the North Carolina level of interest to cities and towns.  

WHAT IT MEANS: Our position on the immediate need for better internet connections in communities around the state resurfaced in the newspapers. A state commission tasked with finding new solutions for transportation funding issued its final report. A longtime member of the League's legal team received the highest of honors. 新型冠状病毒肺炎的情况恶化了. 

ON TAP: N.C. General Assembly is scheduled to start its new biennium next week with the seating of new members, 宣誓就职和其他仪式开始. And with it, the League is on track to finalize its selection of legislative goals for the biennium. Members, don't miss the piece that follows in this Bulletin on your participation in that process. 我们马上就会举办一个关于这个话题的开放日活动. 

THE SKINNY: 的re's been no shortage of dynamics in government news in the crossover to 2021. Thank you for your diligent attention and involvement as we work together for the best outcomes. 

在下周至关重要的投票之前, member cities and towns are encouraged to join the League for an 365体育足彩 Goals Open House on Tuesday, 1月. 讨论建议的立法重点. 这个活动,下午两点半到三点半.m., is designed to help members in their consideration of the 17 possible advocacy goals. 这是迄今为止在这一进程中令人印象深刻的参与, as we've received more than 450 ideas from 165 individuals representing 114 municipalities.

NCLM 立法政策委员会 co-chairs Kings Mountain Mayor Scott Neisler and Sylva Mayor Lynda Sossamon will host this open house accompanied by NCLM's 政府ernment Affairs staff. 这个活动将在Zoom上举行. 无须注册. 今天早些时候,另一封包含登录详细信息的电子邮件发出.

的 open house is an opportunity to gain clarity on any of the proposed priorities. 请注意,本次会议将严格保密, 关于这些提议的辩论已经结束. 投票将于1月11日星期五结束. 15. 的 goals determined through this vote will guide the League's legislative advocacy for the next two years.

出现 首先是我们自己的 南部城市 杂志,这是365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶(Paul Meyer)的一篇专栏文章 advocating for the FIBER NC Act, a League-supported proposal that would give local governments flexibility to partner with private providers to connect underserved areas with high-speed Internet, has been published in newspapers in 费耶特维尔, Laurinburg, 和更多的.

的 proposal surfaced in the state legislature in 2019 with a broad raft of sponsors 但还没有得到完全的批准. “如果允许地方政府带来 their assets to bear in addressing the critical infrastructure issue of our time was a no-brainer in December of 2019, it is even more of a no-brainer in 2020年12月,”迈耶在专栏文章中说. “这已经变得不可接受了 and unconscionable that a handful of companies stand in the way of allowing 这是要发生的.” 

​In 新闻公报的最新消息 数控第一 委员会这是一个评估该州交通状况的州机构 investment needs, issued its final report of ideas during a virtual meeting 今天(周五). 广泛的报道,由于不足和在一些 cases obsolescence in the state’s revenue sources for transportation projects in this fast-growing state, reflects two years of work from the commission, which includes local government officials and has had former Raleigh mayor Nancy McFarlane as its chair, with Banner Elk Mayor Brenda Smith Lyerly and 夏洛特市临时市长朱莉·艾瑟尔特也在船上. 他们的报告代表了 这是一年多来深入分析和建议的结果 consideration of a laundry list of possible revenue and financing options to address a projected $20 billion shortfall of funds needed over the next 10 满足国家多年交通需求. 阅读这本173页的书 文件全文在线浏览

格雷格 Schwitzgebel, associate general counsel and longtime member of the League’s legal department, has been presented the North Carolina Judicial Branch’s 最高奖,法庭之友. 正如在 新闻稿 法院行政办公室授予的荣誉 Schwitzgebel’s “instrumental role in coordinating events commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Court of Appeals in 2017, as well as his years of service as a trustee and officer for the North Carolina Supreme Court Historical Society and his role as vice chair of the Bicentennial celebration of the Supreme Court 2019年北卡罗来纳州的州长.法院系统也指出了他的 “extraordinary dedication” as an advocate for elected and administrative officials of cities and towns across the state and to North Carolinians for post-judicial书记."

Schwitzgebel has built his career on this kind of service and has championed the League's 司法365体育足彩 & 法庭之友节目, in which League attorneys write “friend of the court" briefs in appellate cases that have statewide implications for local governments. 

“This truly is a huge, huge honor for Gregg," League 执行董事 Paul Meyer said. 

在2020年年中,我们报道了施维茨格贝尔当选为N.C. 2020-21年度律师协会副主席, 与他在北卡罗来纳州政府任职的第30年相吻合. 

新奖项的部分内容如下, “In recognition of his extraordinary contribution to the administration of justice as Associate General Counsel at NCLM."

北卡罗来纳州几乎所有地区现在都是新型冠状病毒肺炎传播的红色代码, 根据美国国家统计局公布的数据.C. 美国卫生与公众服务部(DHHS) 县警报系统. 警报系统将各县标记为黄色, orange or red -- red the most severe -- and at this point only four counties remain in the yellow. “North Carolina is experiencing record high numbers of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 cases reported each day, of people being hospitalized with 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and people in the intensive care unit as well as the percent of tests that are positive, 表明病毒在全州的传播程度很高,最新的警报报告说.

政府. Roy Cooper on Wednesday announced an extension to the current stay-at-home order that requires people to be in their homes between 10 p.m. 和5a.m. 这种情况至少会持续到明年1月. 29日,州长团队在一份声明中说 新闻稿. 此外,国土安全部部长曼迪·科恩还发布了一份“秘书的指令" with “stark warnings for North Carolinians to avoid indoor spaces without masks and gatherings between households,声明还说. 

“我们处于非常危险的境地,”科恩说. “北卡罗莱纳州需要立即采取行动挽救生命, 减缓病毒的传播, and protect hospital capacity so that medical care is available to anyone who may need it, 无论是新型冠状病毒肺炎还是其他任何原因."

相关新闻,12月11日. 州长签署了一份协议 延长该州暂缓驱逐的行政命令 因未付租金.