


More than 100 local government officials from across North Carolina 加入团领导 以及来自美国各地的同行.S. on Capitol Hill this week for National League of Cities' Congressional City Conference. 事件, 包括365体育足彩研讨会和专题会议, connected municipal leaders directly with federal law- and policy-makers -- including 森. 理查德·伯尔, 代表. 马克·梅多斯 代表. G.K. 巴特菲尔德, 代表. 泰德·巴德 and many others -- for roundtable discussions important to cities and towns of all sizes. 今年有很大的推动力 基础设施, public safety, community resilience and, notably, broadband access. “宽带不是奢侈品, 这是一个必要的工具," League President and Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara 来自华盛顿特区的推特.C. 会议. "Private-public partners are essential to give access to all." 
An opening general session featured NLC President and Little Rock, Ark., Mayor Mark Stodola and a keynote from former Face Nation moderator and CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent Bob Schieffer. 其他讲者包括.S. 美国劳工部部长亚历山大·阿科斯塔说.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, 纽约市长白思豪说, and Special Assistant to the President for Infrastructure D.J. 格里宾. The League thanks its federal partners for their engagement on local-level issues. Municipal officials in attendance received a wealth of insights to bring home to their communities.

The comment 每iod for recommending areas of North Carolina for "opportunity zone" designation (这里的背景)已获延期至3月27日. The program is meant to give tax incentives to qualified investors to reinvest unrealized capital gains into low-income areas. North Carolina has a little more than 1,000 qualifying low-income census tracts, and N.C. Department of Commerce is currently reviewing data to make a list of recommended tracts to the U.S. Department of the Treasury for the "opportunity zone" designation. The state is authorized to designate roughly 250 census tracts. The program was born of the recent federal tax legislation. A 国家网站提供更多信息 关于节目和如何评论. Interested parties can also contact Business Link North Carolina at (800) 228-8443.

Local officials will now bear the responsibility of initiating large-scale road projects to be funded by tolls, 每 新政策 经联合国批准.C. 运输委员会(BOT). The League provided input to state transportation officials as they developed the policy. 在这些新程序下继续前进, a local metropolitan or rural planning organization must be the first to suggest that a project be paid for through tolls. 在其他要求中, a project must also score well enough under the state’s data-driven transportation project selection process to move forward. The new policy emphasizes public engagement from the beginning of the process as well.
To assist local transportation planning organizations in evaluating a project’s suitability for toll financing, N.C. Turnpike Authority plans in the next year to produce a handbook that will walk local officials through the process. The handbook will also standardize the criteria under which all potential toll projects are evaluated, 以确保全州的公平待遇. An example criterion the BOT specified for the handbook was that the proposed toll project must be a controlled-access highway or long-span bridge. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia
A 新报告 examining the oft-discussed "urban-rural divide" fleshes out the strong economic connections between urban and rural areas with ramifications for the economy more broadly. “通过检查四个关键领域——宽带接入, 受教育程度, high-value business growth and pros每ity growth — the report offers policymakers glimpses into policy and program opportunities to bridge the urban-rural divide,的摘要说 缩小城乡经济差距, released this week by National League of Cities (NLC). “现在是时候改变城市vs城市的叙事了. rural to a shared economic future," the organization says.

NLC in the report's preparation collaborated with the League, with that collaboration highlighted in pages defining the issue and focusing on breakout topics like broadband. The "divide" is a highly nuanced conversation, the League notes. “urban vs . urban的用法. rural’ as shorthand for economic pros每ity falls apart on some level," NCLM states in the report. “有些农村地区享有繁荣, whether it’s built on tourism or an anchor institution such as a university. And there are urban areas that are struggling to provide jobs and services to residents, such as cities built on legacy manufacturing industries that have long since shuttered.这份36页的完整文件可在网站上找到 可下载的PDF.

最好的公私伙伴关系, 创新, 市中心的事件, 适应性重用, historic rehabilitation and more won recognition this week at N.C. Main Street and Small Town Main Street Awards Ceremony held in Clayton. "These award-winning projects have made a significant difference to their communities, 创造新的就业机会, 新活动, 企业, and new investment to their Main Street and Small Town Main Street communities,莉兹·帕勒姆说, N主任.C. Main Street and Rural Planning Center at the Department of Commerce. The group presented 19 awards in categories recognizing organizations, promotion, and design. The Main Street program helps small towns rev up their central business districts with a focus on historic preservation and unique character. A 新闻稿 详细介绍今年的获奖者.