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League Bulletin

May 1, 2020

WHAT HAPPENED: The General Assembly gaveled into a legislative session like no other and considered legislation requiring your attention. Please take action on the points discussed in the alert below in this Bulletin. As the 联合国大会本周召开会议,审议COVID-19的即时应对措施 the House and Senate proposals to distribute federal dollars to local governments provided no direct appropriation to cities and towns. That being 在这种情况下,你现在联系你的立法者让他们知道是很紧急的 that any federal CARES Act dollars allocated to local governments should be equitably distributed among municipalities and counties. Decisions are being made now, so acting immediately is crucial.

WHAT IT MEANS: No surprise, COVID-19 continues to be the focus from all corners and filled out the 州立法机关的关注,但需要改变资金给地方 governments. In addition to the very important action alert here, we have provided a breakdown on proposed COVID-related policy changes and how the League has participated in cross-sector discussions about how to safely “reopen” the state for business.

ON TAP: The House and Senate are expected Saturday to cast final votes on the relief measure.

THE SKINNY: Your voice is important and immediate attention to this is crucial. Read on for the details. 

大会本周开会审议COVID-19的即时应对措施, 众议院和参议院都提议将联邦资金分配给地方政府,但没有直接拨款给城镇. That being the case, 你们现在迫切需要联系你们的立法者,让他们知道,任何分配给地方政府的联邦关怀法案的资金都应该在各市和县之间公平分配. Decisions are being made now, so acting immediately is crucial. 这是国会用于报销COVID-19直接费用的资金.

立法者在向地方政府分配联邦资金时采取了两种不同的方法. 众议院将向县政府拨款3.5亿美元,如果它们认为合适,让它们向市政当局提供这笔钱. The Senate would provide $100 million to counties; would create a $50 million grant program with money awarded to all local governments – municipal and county -- on a competitive basis; and would reserve $150 million to go to local governments should Congress act to allow the CARES Act funding to flow for revenue shortfalls.
(See letter the League sent to all members of the General Assembly.) 

The federal CARES Act, as written, 很大程度上限制了对州和地方政府的分配,只能直接支付与新冠病毒相关的费用, and not the backfilling of revenue holes for already budgeted expenses. As of this writing, 州参众两院的谈判代表仍在研究其应对新冠病毒立法的最终措辞, 议员们原计划周六返回,继续立法工作.  

As you speak to legislators, let them know that:

  • 目前,参众两院的提案并没有公平地对待城市和城镇. 
  • Neither proposal guarantees that cities and towns will receive any money; the House proposal leaves the decision completely up to county government.
  • NCLM supports the general approach of the Senate, 有一个重要的变化:立即分配的1.5亿美元在县和市之间平均分配

还要让立法者知道,市政当局雇用了一线急救人员来帮助保护北卡罗来纳州人的安全, 以及提供基本服务的工人,这些服务使居民能够在这场危机中继续工作和生存.


与此同时,他们还从联邦关怀法案中挪用了一部分州拨款, 立法者本周提出了额外的政策变化,以适应新冠肺炎危机带来的并发症. 特别是,参议院周二首次公布了其政策提案. 这些提案包括两个城市最关心的项目,众议院上周在其COVID-19一揽子计划中也提到了这两个项目. 第一个专题澄清了地方委员会举行远程会议的权力, a provision sought by the League that can be found in Section 6.24 of the Senate bill. 第二项拖延缴纳车辆财产税六个月的(第六章).2),此举可能意味着向城市支付超过2亿美元的递延财产税. Because both chambers addressed these two items in very similar ways, these provisions are likely to be included in any final agreement.

本周首次提出的其他提案也可能会在参众两院之间达成最终协议. 这些项目加入了众议院上周提出的改革清单,并在 this Bulletin report. Those of interest to cities and towns include:

  • $300 million reserve for NCDOT, 如果该支出符合联邦《365体育足彩》(Senate bill, Section 2.3)
  • 为支持私人互联网服务提供商的国家宽带拨款计划增加900万美元(Senate bill, Section 3.3, item 21)
  • 地方政府向地方政府工作委员会(Senate bill, Section 6.8)
  • 取消了地方政府预算提案必须在书记处供公众查阅的要求(House bill, Section 5.23.5)
  • Allowing incorporation of updated flood maps into local ordinances (House bill, Section 5.26.1)
  • 将拼车司机出示身份标识的要求推迟一年, to July 1, 2021 (House bill, Section 5.29.2)
  • 将某些开发许可的有效期延长5个月, if the approval was valid between March 10-April 28, 2020 (House bill, Section 5.30.2)


保罗·迈耶是市政365足彩下载的负责人,他参加了这次活动 特别工作组审查北卡罗来纳州的商业重新开放以及条件 would have to be met first. The task force, formed by the N.C. Department of Health 和人类服务部(DHHS)在NC商会的领导下举行了电话听证会 from business leaders on the challenges they’re facing and receiving updates from state health officials on the measures they’re working with to ensure a healthy and safe reopening.

Meyer discussed the role of municipal officials and the budget impacts they’re looking at from the virus interruption. Cities and towns 是“国家的经济引擎”,迈耶说,他们越早能做到 get back to business – building public projects that help residents and businesses and infrastructure that enables growth, among other things -- the sooner the economy can experience the ripple effects. It’s crucial for industry. But, he added, city leaders want to do it safely. The task force has also included the voices of DHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler, Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry, Commerce Secretary Anthony Copeland, N.C. Association of County Commissioners Executive Director Kevin Leonard and others.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the League partnered with the N.C. Local Government Budget Association last month to expand its traditional COLA和绩效薪酬调整调查,以进行一系列额外的预算规划 items. The results of that survey are now available here. Please note that there are four separate files encompassing data from 包括市和县,每个文件都包含多个选项卡 of data that can be scrolled through using the arrows at the bottom of the page. All of the files provide the opportunity for the user to break down responses on the basis of population and geography. An introduction and additional context is provided on the first sheet of the municipal budget implications file. NCLGBA and the League plan to run the survey again beginning next week to capture additional information and gauge 自2009年调查开始以来,受访者的计划有何变化 mid-April. Thank you to the N.C. Local Government Budget Association for its 这次调查的合作伙伴关系,以及你们所有花时间回应的人 provide information. If you have any questions about the survey please email Chris Nida or Christine Heubusch with the League.
